Musescore 3.6 not working with JACK on Mac OS 11.4

• Sep 15, 2021 - 20:25

Hello! I'm trying to run Musescore 3.6 with JACK on Mac OS Big Sur. JACK2 1.9.19 (Intel 64bit) is installed and working properly. However, setting the I/O Settings to JACK Audio Server in Musescore 3 results in the playback controls becoming greyed out, no audio from Musescore, and no transport sync. No ports from Musescore are showing up in the JACK graph UI.

Everything works as expected on the same system running Musescore 2.3.2.

Launching Musescore 3 from the command line yields this error:

dlopen error : dlopen(libjack.0.dylib, 1): image not found
dlopen error : dlopen(/usr/local/lib/libjack.0.dylib, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/local/lib/libjack.0.dylib: code signature in (/usr/local/lib/libjack.0.dylib) not valid for use in process using Library Validation: mapped file has no cdhash, completely unsigned? Code has to be at least ad-hoc signed.
/usr/local/lib/libjack.0.dylib: stat() failed with errno=22

Thanks in advance!!


Also having the same issue.
3.4.2 works without an issue.
3.6.2 does not connect to JACK and playback buttons are greyed out with no audio.
Trying to use it to sync video using Jadeo. Working perfectly with 3.4.2.
MacOS 11.6; JACK 1.9.19 (64 Bit)

Also tested:
2.3.2: Works
3.0.5 Works
3.3.4: Works
3.4.2: Works
3.5.2: Nope
3.6.2: Nope

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