lyrics text

• Oct 6, 2021 - 14:15

How can I lengthen words in the lyrics so that they match up with the music notes above?
Thanks from Ralph.


In reply to by Mr Fox

I would like to do that, particularly in specific areas I am currently working. But I can see no search function on the site to hone in on topics of interest. If I could "search" for what I wanted, would be happy to pursue the topics online without troubling you kind gentlemen.
Ralph :0

In reply to by rarohr

There actually is a search box on the main Handbook page, on the right hand side. But it isn't very good, or so it usually seems. i think it's usually much more effective to simply browser the main list of topics - usually it's pretty obvious which one to then click. For instance, there is a section labeled "Lyrics", that's the obvious choice here. Even just typing Ctrl+F (or whatever your particular browser uses for search within current page) and then "lyrics" would take you right there. So do give it a shot next time, you'll usually get fantastic answers within seconds :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

"There actually is a search box on the main Handbook page, on the right hand side. But it isn't very good, or so it usually seems."
I so agree. The inability of the Handbook search to find the correct topic is astonishing, especially when the search term is a very relevant keyword. This means that it's often quicker to find the correct Handbook chapter by running an online Google search!

I think it is time to treat this as a problem which needs to be fixed. But how to request the necessary work? Who actually controls or "owns" the code which responds to a search of the Handbook?

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