Space between staffs increases for no reason without a way to fix it. Help

• Oct 13, 2021 - 10:45

Space between staffs increases for no reason without a way to fix it. I need some help

Attachment Size
help.PNG 12.35 KB


Take an image editor and edit that screenshot...

My guess would be that you've either dragged that arco or that ppp away from their staff which results in that gap.
If you share the actual score file though (the mscz), we don't have to guess and can actually help you out.

In reply to by davutberkozha

There's a stray slur in measure 23 which really belongs to measure 29 and to another instrument. select it, resete it and all is fine again

Hint: when investigating something like this, swich to Page mode, that does restrict the rande to check for to 1 page, only a handfull of measures. Or directly do a Ctrl+A, Ctrl+R to resert everything to default positions

Attachment Size
Smphony of cringe.mscz 117.43 KB

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