Copy/Paste Does not seem to work

• Nov 8, 2021 - 22:00
Reported version
Ergonomical (UX)
S3 - Major

Highlight any sequence of notes.

  1. Highlight any sequence of notes
  2. Press Ctrl+C to copy
  3. Highlight an empty sequence of notes on the score
  4. Press Ctrl+V to paste

Results: No duplication happens.

Attachment Size
Finale.mscz 22.05 KB


Severity S3 - Major S4 - Minor
Status active needs info

Paste to the same place? That certainly does work, but overwrites what is currently there, so won"t have any visible effect.
Copying fron one place and pasting to another works too, in general and also with that score.

If the goal is to make a second copy of the notes, as mentioned, you need to tell MuseScore where to paste them, same as pretty much any other program. In the special case where you want the passage duplicated immediately after the original, simply press "R", which does the copy, select new location, paste sequence automatically, in a single keystroke.

In the future, if you need help using Musescore, please ask on the Support forum.

Ah, sorry, I should have clarified. This is with selecting a second bar. I should have clarified better! The steps would be:

  1. Highlight any sequence of notes
  2. Press Ctrl+C to copy
  3. Highlight an empty sequence of notes on the score
  4. Press Ctrl+V to paste

I ended up restarting Ubuntu, and that seemed to address the issue.

Severity S4 - Minor S3 - Major
Status needs info closed
Workaround No Yes

So I guess we should close the issue. Reopen of you find steps to reproduce

I'm not sure what an "empty sequence of notes" might represent, but if you ever encounter a similar issue again, be sure to ask for help on the Support forum and include the score and more precise instructions - tell us exactly what you are selecting when you do the copy and then exactly what you are selecting when you do the paste (note you don't need to select a whole range for the paste, just clicking the start location is sufficient).