Full score vs Parts

• Nov 15, 2021 - 18:01

Hi folks.

I used the 'part' function to create three individual parts from my full chart, and want to make it such that layout changes I make in one part are reflected in the other two.
The reason being is that while I've laid out the full chart to be easy to read (verse/choruses etc starting at the beginning of a stave), those edits don't reflect in the individual parts because of their single/condensed nature which naturally alters them.

Obviously editing all three or more would be a real pain so I imagine there must be a way to deal with this.

The edits I want to make are e.g. selecting a bar line at the beginning of a chorus and hitting enter to have it start at the beginning (left of) the page..

Doing so only affects that part and not the others since there's no 'apply to all parts' option for that. Unfortunately there's no way of specifically editing parts like that in the 'style' options so I'm left wondering how on earth are people supposed to edit parts together!

Also, decrease/increase stretch does not work! Currently using musescore 3.

Any help gratefully received!

Best, Dan

Attachment Size
Full chart.mscz 51.7 KB


If you change the style od page format /fir the corresponding dialigs under the Format menu) you can use the "Apply to all parts" button.
In any other case you'd have to do those changes on every single part

Decrease/increase stretch does work. But maybe in your score system breakes are in the way?

Normally it's wouldn't make sense to have the same layout in all parts, because normally parts aren't as rhythmically identical as these. but in pieces where this is the case, there is a plugin (see Download menu above) that actually works quite well to use the plugin to copy breaks from score to parts. Same breaks should work in those cases, except for page breaks, which you shouldn't normally want or need in the score anyhow.

Regarding stretch, it does work, but it could be the measure you have is already at its minimum possible width according to your settings, and if a measure already takes a full system, you can't make it wider. If you are seeing a case where you aren't understanding why it doesn't seem to work, tell us which measure and which way you re trying to go, and then we can understand and assist further.

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