How do I add the square black notehead to my list of available noteheads?
Hello there,
I am using the Berger Monolinear Notation System (used for Swiss/Scottish Drumming), and the Square Notehead is usually used as the symbol for backsticking. I have searched this forum for help on how to add it, but can't figure it out.
I have read that the SMuFL is used, and there is a Unicode character for the square notehead:
("𝅇" U+E11A, noteheadSquareBlackLarge, Large square black notehead), so it's available.
Does anyone know how to add this to my available noteheads from the selection menu?
Have you seen it yet ?
In reply to Have you seen it yet https:/… by Shoichi
Yes I have, but there is nothing in there about adding the square notehead to the available noteheads in the menu. I've right-clicked and tried everything I can think of.
There is a "large square black notehead" in the 'Symbols' palette: (Press Z to open.)
You can save it to your 'Noteheads' palette but be aware it is merely a symbol, so it does not affect (nor replace) any actual notehead onto which it may be attached. (In other words, it can be moved off the staff without affecting a note's pitch.)
In reply to There is a "large square… by Jm6stringer
This worked, but it's the small square symbol that is needed (which is located on the right-hand side, 3 down from the top). Thank you.
If this is for drumming, no need to mess with the noteheads palette and adding them individually, simply select the notehead in the Edit Drumset window so it is added automatically where desired (for a specific drum pitch). Set "Notehead group" to Custom" and you can then select from the various square and other specialty noteheads for each duration.
In reply to If this is for drumming, no… by Marc Sabatella
This is going to be something I'm going to do and hopefully I can share it so other's that are using the Berger Monolinear Notation System, won't have the same learning curve I am having. I just needed to bang out some scores today. I'll figure out how to edit the Drumset soon. :) Thank you.