How do I add the square black notehead to my list of available noteheads?

• Nov 22, 2021 - 18:27

Hello there,

I am using the Berger Monolinear Notation System (used for Swiss/Scottish Drumming), and the Square Notehead is usually used as the symbol for backsticking. I have searched this forum for help on how to add it, but can't figure it out.

I have read that the SMuFL is used, and there is a Unicode character for the square notehead:
("𝅇" U+E11A, noteheadSquareBlackLarge, Large square black notehead), so it's available.

Does anyone know how to add this to my available noteheads from the selection menu?


If this is for drumming, no need to mess with the noteheads palette and adding them individually, simply select the notehead in the Edit Drumset window so it is added automatically where desired (for a specific drum pitch). Set "Notehead group" to Custom" and you can then select from the various square and other specialty noteheads for each duration.

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