How to stop it playing swung?

• Feb 3, 2022 - 14:30

Hi, just wondering why when I play my piece on musescore it plays it swung? I can't see any expression or anything that would make it swung, plus it's in 6/8 so it sounds horrible. It only applies to certain sections of the piece for some reason


In reply to by gracehancock3

If you don't see a text that says Swing, look for one that's bold face, and right-click that. It's a fairly common mistake for people to see the bold Swing in the palette and then add that as a way of getting bold text then editing it to same something else. In the future, don't do that, add text normally but use the Inspector to make the text bold.

If your device doesn't have a physical right-click, it almost certainly provides an alternative - it's a gesture that all systems support one way or another. For touchpads, it's usually two-finger tap. For other devices, it's often Ctrl-click.

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