Operating system compatibility

• Feb 4, 2022 - 15:11

I have been searching through the contents of various MuseScore-provided links for about 30 minutes and have yet to stumble upon a definitive clarification to a question I submitted via email a day or two back. It could be that the information I am seeking is right in front of me without my having the cleverness of detecting it. Here is the original email, most of it anyway, that might help somebody set me straight about my situation.

"Before buying into any of the new(er) features/programs/etc., I thought it might be worth verifying the platform(s) Musescore supports. I am using a Windows 7 Pro desktop setup. Lately, some of my old standard software packages have announced updates, but I use a system that is no longer supported by their offerings; so, too bad for me.

Does Musescore's latest software support my operating system?

Thanks for your attention to my question."
I do not recall ever having visited a MuseScore forum prior to this little adventure. Keeping that in mind might allow for a little mercy if I have tread erringly in this visit. If any response to this is made via a forum, I am faced with the possibility that I will not even know where to look for that response. Of the options I see below, I am going to click on the "Save" trigger and pretend something beneficial will happen.

Thanks, in advance, for any kind attention applied to this issue.


Windows 7 is not supported any longer (and since quite a while) by Microsoft, actually since 14th Januar 2020 so since more than 2 years!
MuseScore 1(.3), 2(.3.2) and 3(.6.2) should still work on it (it certainly did when I switched from Windows 7 to 10 about a year ago, a year latet than Windows 7 support stopped), but support-wise you're on your own.
Whether MuseScore 4 will still work on Windows 7 is yet to be determined.

All these MuseScore versions run just fine on Windows 10 and, as far as I can tell after about a week, also on Windows 11. MuseScore 4 certainly will too.

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