Wiederholungen und Sprünge

• Apr 6, 2022 - 17:12

Das Arrangement, an dem ich mir gerade die Zähne ausbeiße, hat folgende Sequenzen:
Weiß jemand, wie man das hinbekommt?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

> "for some reason"
The "D.S. al Fine" throws you to the Segno, which is inside the first repeat. Because it is expected that a jump instruction means processing the last/final repeat (here 2) but the target sends us to something in repeat 1 (last repeat of that volta list) we are being given conflicting information.
The old algorithm simply chose to not jump, because it couldn't "find" the segno on a last repeat. The 2.3.2 algorithm was adjusted to instead assume the user was right and thus the target becomes the new repeat/playcount; here evaluating to 1.
Because of that lower count, the normal repeat bar is then again honored, resulting in your unexpected A.

Two possible solutions attached in the following file.
1. Builds on top of the almost-solution by Jojo. Uses a bit of trickery in the volta repeatlists by adding a non-existing 4th repeat value in there to force the final after-jump playback.
There is no real indication for a human player that after the jump the playback should become B-C and the repeat ignored.
It works, but is a bit hacky and leans on the specific implementation of volta-processing particular to MuseScore. It might break if for some other reason the logic needs a rework:

  1. Uses no trickery, but a multitude of Jump instructions that share some targets. It takes advantage of the convention that a Jump instruction is only followed once throughout a score:
Attachment Size
331019-roadmap.mscz 7.06 KB

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