Justification of part names in score?

• May 10, 2022 - 19:42

While this is a pretty trivial request, I have noticed in a handful of older publications for orchestral pieces (see attached), the text for instrument names is justified to the center instead of to the right. While I know this practice is well-outdated and fairly useless to most, as justification to the right is standard today, is there a way to rejustify this text? If not, would it be an easy addition for a future update?
(I only ask because I'm making a 'pasta oratorio' in the style of P.D.W. Bach, who wrote loosely in the style of Mozart. So, I want to mimic those older publications as well as possible. But it's ultimately not a big deal, just a little thing!)

Attachment Size
Parts Justification Example.jpg 65.86 KB


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