Your tutorial videos need to be updated due to the fact that the software is updated. Your videos are showing version 2.0 while you have 3.6
Your tutorial videos need to be updated due to the fact that the software is updated. Your videos are showing version 2.0 while you have 3.6
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Which tutorials do you mean? Can you show a link?
In reply to Which tutorials do you mean?… by [DELETED] 1307581
Yes, indeed, the tutorials from https://musescore.org/en/tutorials are outdated.
But most of the stuff still applies.
And there surely won't be any new tutorials for MuseScore 3, as MuseScore 4 is just around the corner.
In reply to Yes, indeed, the tutorials… by Jojo-Schmitz
And tutorials for MuseScore 4 are being worked on as we speak.
Meanwhile, though, not that much has changed since MuseScore 2, so those tutorials are still quite useful.
For tutorials that have been kept up to date, see my online course, starting with this basic introduction: