Chord Played Each Measure

• Jun 12, 2022 - 00:19

Currently, playing a chord (Ctrl+K) during playback requires that a chord symbol be specified at each measure.

I would like to recommend a feature whereby the current chord is played once per beat until that chord is changed by another chord symbol. This would result in chord "chops" being played without cluttering the score with chord symbols.

Thank you.
Jeff K.


More control over playback of chords would be nice someday indeed; it's definitely on the list of things to consider for the future.

Meanwhile, though, note you can make additional chords be invisible (press "V") so they don't clutter the score. Also, for more control, consider adding another staff and using Real Chord Symbols to automatically place the voicings there. Then you can modify their rhythm or voicing how you see fit, then make the staff invisible when you are done (see Edit / Instruments).

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