
• Sep 15, 2014 - 12:39

I'm trying to convert a whole abc tunebook to musicxml. Musescore abc plugin converts just one tune at a time so I'm trying to use the stand-alone abc2xml.exe win command line utility in win7 environment. Problem is, appears to be working but doesn't produce any xml output and there is no obvious source of help. doesn't work either. Can anyone point me in the right direction??



In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for the help
Once I got the correct command line sorted it worked like a dream, converting an entire abc tunebook to xml format. Command line used was - abc2xlm -o (Output directory path & name) -m 0 x

(0 in -m option indicates no tunes skipped, x the number of tunes output)

Missing out the -o option resulted in no visible output, even though it appeared to be working, which was my original problem. Missing the -m option resulted in just the first tune of each tunebook being output.

The one issue was the bass part in the output files was two octaves too high - easily rectified by transposing 2 octaves in Musescore - I suspect this was an error in the original .abc file


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