Musescore made 2 new files I can't delete?

• Jul 17, 2022 - 14:37

So basically here's the gimmick: yesterday my PC had... its problems (which are fixed now) but in the midst of it Musescore crashed, and when i came back on to the application, there were two new files with rlly strange names: scpq[numbers] and scH[numbers]

Screenshot (363).png
the first screenshot (above) is the start center that shows the files with the letter and number combos. these are the files i did not make (the one named worlds_smallest_violin is my project, don't mind it)
i have reason to believe they might have been created as backup files after the crash happened which seems believable to me at least

Screenshot (364).png
the 2nd screenshot (also above) is my files with the scores i have and an obvious lack of said sq[insert numbers here] combo names. I've looked just about everywhere for those files, the only place i can find them is the start center, which brings me to my dilemma: i can't delete them.

the "backup files" as I'll call them seem to not exist on my computer itself (i even checked the musescore backup folder, nothin) but they are annoying as hell on my start center and i want to delete them.
the backup files are able to be opened with no problem from the start center and "recently opened" tab but i can't find them anywhere else in order to get rid of them, as i have a normal version of my file that got caught in the crash along with, well, the backup and backup of the default empty score (which i don't need)

if someone could kindly help me with this i'd be very happy because the files are still there and they're going to eventually become a pain in the ass
anyway to delete a file that i can't find?

Attachment Size
Screenshot (363).png 29.5 KB
Screenshot (364).png 36.59 KB


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