Moderation of the forums.

• Jul 18, 2022 - 14:41

Hello all.
For a few weeks now, I have been noticing on the French forum, more and more unwanted interventions that have nothing to do with Musescore. Here are some examples. (deanndows1992)
(there are some missing because I didn't have the patience to pick up the threads one by one; often these interventions offer report writing services.)

5 posts ce matin : (MasonSwift) (raubrant0 08:45) (MasonSwift 10:42) (MasonSwift 10:45) (MasonSwift 10:41)

The 5 last ones seem to me to be the result of tests for a SPAM system (AI ?), creating a message in French, consistent with the theme of the thread and trying to create unrelated links that seem harmless at the moment, but this may change!
Would it be possible to grant specific rights to volunteers to remove these inappropriate interventions?

In addition, this could also be used to clean up the 'HowTo' section where people are wrongly posting questions that belong in the general questions section.

I know that this request is not necessarily within the purview of the forum, but it is about the forums. If I'm not in the right place, please tell me where I should post or forward. Thank you.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I mean that there are 6 links in the OP. The first one is labeled having nothing to do with MuseScore. It does.

Of the next 5 only the last one leads to an access denied page.

I'm not sure there is any way to get everyone to post where we might think they should. Some questions don't fit neatly into certain slots.

In reply to by bobjp

Quote bobjp : "Of the next 5 only the last one leads to an access denied page."

This is the only thread among the 5 reported that had only one message, so once the spam message is removed, it leads to a page that is denied access.
In the other threads, the spam has been removed but the thread remains. Is this illogical?

Quote bobjp : "I'm not sure there is any way to get everyone to post where we might think they should. Some questions don't fit neatly into certain slots."

We agree. But the post in question had absolutely nothing to do with Musescore; therefore it had no place on this forum.

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.