Pedalling playback issues

• Aug 20, 2022 - 23:57


I rarely had any issues in musescore, but one of them already happened me repeatedly in some of my long works. It seemingly has to do with playback and pedalling.

I am not sure if it's related, but this only happened to me when I reach certain amounts of bars (or perhaps a certain amount of minutes, usually over 15), usually over 300.

The bug consists in playback being played as if it were permanently sustained via pedal. I did not know what could be causing this but today I found that I cannot unselect this pedal marking for some reason (pic below) by clicking outside of it like one normally can; I must double click on it and then unselect it.

I suppose that is related but I cannot really tell. I know it is a minor bug but it is certainly bothering since you it seems to be triggering more the more I advance with the sheet. I am not clicking on the pedal marking myself before that happens, It just does.

I know this is kinda vague but I am not sure of what else I can provide. It happened in the sheet I am doing now as well as in other two kinda long ones I did months ago.

Thank you in advance, musescore is amazing.

Kind regards,

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Definitely there have been cases where the pedal playback gets messed up. Sometimes we've been able to sort out and provide a workaround, others not. In order to help, we'd need the actual score, not just a picture of it. From the picture, though, it kind of looks like you might have two pedal marks overlapping each other.

In reply to by Omicronrg9

I listened to that movement and didn't hear any big obvious problems (very fun piece BTW!). Is there a specific measure I should focus on?

One thing I did notice, maybe this is what you are hearing - in bar 53, the pedal ends on a half rest, and there are sixteenths in the upper staff. The pedal thus continues through to the end of the half rest and the sixteenths get blurred. Probably you should end the pedal before the rest to prevent that. Or if you want to more explicitly notate the end right on beat 1, you could add shorter invisible rests in voice 2 to give the pedal something else to attach to.

Now that I see the score itself, the thing I thought might have been an overlap is actually just the continuation across the system break - the (Ped) overlaps the invisible line.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It's tricky because when it happens it doesn't seem to matter where I put the playback on. Giving musescore enough time (or doing something that must be triggering this but that goes unnoticed to me) the section itself starts with pedal and it goes like that up to the very end, so I cannot give a certain bar that can be causing this. I noticed that strange selection-unselection behaviour at the bar I took the screenshot of but I am pretty sure that's not just because of something related to that bar. I tried to erase that pedal marking and put a new one but after some playbacks, it just happens again.

It's 3 am in my country, so if I don't have enough time today, I will try to record a video. Perhaps that'll be of help.

Thanks for the opinion BTW! It's still unfinished but I am glad you found that mov. funny :)

In reply to by bobjp

It's not that pedal marking specifically but seemingly a random one that gets somehow selected. Still, why selecting a pedal marking would make the whole section sustained?

I have uploaded a video here and downloaded it myself from another terminal to check. There is indeed a never-ending pedalling until I unselect a certain pedal marking that I see faintly blueish by double-clicking on it and then clicking out of it again. I cannot unselect it normally by clicking out of that specific marking when it's in that state.

Regarding the tempo, well I don't have complains about it either. Finally, I don't use musescore default soundfont but a specific one for piano for which my favourite sound is probably located in the position where harpsichord is in General midi/most GM-like soundfonts.


In reply to by Omicronrg9

Is the problem reproducible for you using the default soundfont? It's not for me. Perhaps there is an issue with the specific soundfont you are using.

Instead of videos, though much more useful would be precise step by instructions written out that we can follow - like say exactly what you click in what order in order to see a problem.

Also, are you sure you posted the right file? Your video shows the pedal marking in bar 51 continuing across a system break, but that's not how it looks for me. Actually, it's definitely not the same version of the score, I see other discrepancies that aren't just layout differences, but actual different notes, like bar 46.

Oh, and BTW - I said the piece was fun, not funny. Although, the harpsichord we are hearing does seem maybe a little humorous for the style :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I cannot provide a specific route for reproducing the bug. It sometimes happens, but it sometimes doesn't and I get that does not make anything easier at all. After normally a full playing (not sure that's required) I just focus on the third mov. and after several playbacks, additions, etc. it just appears.

I posted the right file, but I kept composing right after that. In fact, it was still happening after those changes you noticed and it doesn't seem to relate with where the pedal marking is, or where I start. Today I continued and did no full playback; the issue hasn't happened yet.

Sorry if this is too scarce info, I am really clueless into what might the exact procedure be to produce the unwanted behaviour.

Thanks in advance!

Minor bugs like the one you mentioned tends to happen after long playback. Another one would be a sweep of notes from bottom to top upon pause. Been so for long time, I just ignore it and restart musescore. Sonata is lovely, makes me think of another Garcia who sings with his piano.

In reply to by Omicronrg9

Yes. I'm also aware of difficulty to reproduce coz it may be the long playback or MIDI synth engine. I'd try test with long pedaled notes with long trill to get to the root of problem if I were experienced in programming, I feel that could trigger it more often

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