Fingerboard Diagramm

• Aug 30, 2022 - 10:45

How can I format my own Fingerboard diagramms in a way that they sit centered in my fingerboard palette ?

Attachment Size
Musescore fingerboard diagramms.png 312.35 KB


I got it by myself.
You have to mark the new Fingerboard Diagramm.
Then on Mac - hold control and click on the new diagramm.
Then you have to set x to -1 and y to -1.
Now it's centered and here you can set the correct name for the chord.

In reply to by holds13

That shouldn't be needed at all - the default positioning should center it in the palette too. Be sure you didn't change any of the default positioning settings.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach the score you are using as the basis for these, so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by holds13

That is because you've changed the offset in your score. not sure why, the default is centered which is correct. Any offset in your score gets copied to the palette. So, reset the positions in your score before copying them to the palette. Then, unless you have some unusual special reason to de-center them in the score, leave them at the default position.

Actually, looks like you've done a number of very odd things to your score, including entering chord symbols that are totally separate from the fretboard diagrams instead of attaching them directly. The chord symbols should normally be displayed above the fretboard automatically. Looks like you've kind of dragged things around in ways that should not be necessary, this should have all looked right automatically. Can you describe more about what you were doing here?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, what you mean with offset ?
In my example I made 1.) the notation/tabs 2.) with command+t I made the chord symbols 3.) with command+t I made the line text 4.) then I placed the fingerboard diagramms, which I have to create new because they didn't exist in the original musescore palette.
And from the notation I draged the diagrams to palette, where I do the X/Y thing and gave them names.

In reply to by holds13

You can, if you want your score to look misaligned as this one does. But just be sure to copy to the palette before, not after, you misalign your diagrams.

But again, normally, if you do things correctly - enter chord symbols with Ctrl/Cmd+K instead of faking as staff text, everything works perfectly right out of the box.

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