Retuning Two-note tremolos

• Aug 31, 2022 - 04:06

I tried to create a tremolo with two notes with the second note being retuned to +150c, but the playback did not retune it. Is there a way to do this or is this just a bug basically? And a workaround would be appreciated as well.

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tremoloretuning.png 4.21 KB


I'd consider it a bug and can confirm the behavior in 3.6.2

In MS4 (nightly 29/8) however, tuning of even a normal note isn't supported yet; so here's to hoping that when they get around to implementing that, this would be fixed/implemented correctly from the get go.

EDIT: as for a workaround; type out the resulting notes and retune those, for example on a separate instrument. You can then turn that instrument invisible and disable playback for the visually correct tremolo.

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