Import mp3 feature planned? DAW sync? Importing tempo map?

• Oct 31, 2022 - 17:40

Hey all. I've been a Sibelius user FOREVER, but have been looking into alternatives for a little while now. I love Reaper, and the community there, and thought that Musescore might offer something similar for the music notation world. I've spent the last 45 minutes googling, and finally decided to just log in here and see if anyone knows the answer to this.

I often write and record string arrangements to songs that are pretty close to finished. Right now, I link Sibelius to Reaper, and can get it to use the Sibelius playback for what I'm writing, but sync to Reaper's tempo and also play along with the prerecorded audio I've been sent. So, if I'm to make the switch, I need to be able to hear Musescore playback, tempo synced with prerecorded audio, one way or another.

Are there any plans to be able to do this? It would seem that possible routes would include:

-----Importing mp3s + importing midi tempo maps

-----Importing mp3s + ability to fine tune tempos inside Musescore to sync them up (like Finale)

-----sync with a DAW (I looked into Jack, but it looks like I would have to assign my own sounds inside Reaper, which when you factor in articulations and dynamics, sounds like a nightmare. )

I'm hoping there will be a native non-hacky way to do this. I see that you can get the sampler to play back audio, but that seems kinda janky. I can't really have to have a complicated process to accomplish this every time I need to sync audio to Musescore playback.

Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading and I'd really appreciate any feedback you can offer!


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So, playback would need to trigger a note assigned to a vst3 instrument, which would play a long sample after being triggered... if I'm understanding this correctly.

Theoretically, what would happen if the trigger note is on Bar 1, beat 1, but I want to start playback at bar 32 inside musescore? Would it know to "look back" and trigger the sample and play it from it's position at bar 32? Or would I need to start playback at bar 1 every time I wanted to hear it?

Appreciate you chiming in.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Gotcha. I can probably test this out on my DAW in the meantime.

I've been poking around with Musescore and have been really impressed. If I can find a clean way to do this I may switch over. I hope you'll consider adding a native feature to include audio playback sometime in the future.

Appreciate the timely and helpful responses!

In reply to by AndreasKågedal

It looks like though that if I set that up, I'll have to send the MIDI to my DAW, and assign every sound, including the articulations and whatnot. Unless there's an easy solution to that part, I'm hoping to use the software's internal sounds for playback of the written material. Or, is there a way to sync the transport while still using Musescore's sounds for playback of written material, and the DAW for other audio?

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