Problem with MuseScore3

• Dec 9, 2022 - 17:56

Hello, I am sending you this email to inform you of a problem I have been facing. Yesterday, I wrote a composition on your desktop app(on Mac) Musescore 3. When I was done with it, I saved my file(twice), closed the application and shut down my computer. However, today when I opened my computer to check on my song, I clicked on my composition and everything was gone!!!! Even after saving my file normally the previous day! There must have been a problem with the system or the program itself, but that is not why I am here. I am sending you this email to ask you: How can I possibly retrieve that composition? Please note that the name of the file was the same but when I opened it it was like a default score with the title "Text" and some lines of empty scores below. Can you help me?
Thank you in advance,
L. Lambridis


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