Missing dependency (qt-labs-platform) not indicated in the instructions

• Dec 16, 2022 - 23:22

Good evening!

I encoutered a problem: Musescore 4.0.0 compiles fine on Linux Mint 21 (based on Ubuntu 22.04) with the compilation instructions; however, it won’t function properly unless a certain dependency is satisfied. This dependency is not mentioned in the build instructions.

03:10:35.743 | DEBUG | main_thread | Qt | createDialog: [qml] failed create component: internal/FileDialog.qml, err: qrc:/qml/MuseScore/Ui/internal/FileDialog.qml:23 module "Qt.labs.platform" is not installed

The file open dialogue won’t appear, the file drag-and-drop won’t work etc.

Solution: install the dependency sudo apt install qml-module-qt-labs-platform.

Suggestion: if the package compiles without it but does not function properly, it would be a good idea to list this QML module as a dependency.

Yours sincerely,
Andreï V. Kostyrka


I'm uncertain how to appropriately send suggestions like this one, to developers / admins. Just posting your potential solution is great. BTW, you're a far braver person than I, to actually build from source. Mint is a fine distro, IMO.

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