Formatting Help?

• Dec 17, 2022 - 03:29

Hi, I'm new to musescore and I'm really only using it to write guitar sheet music for pepband as there's no guitar part and I'd like to be able to play it(and I want others later on to not have to write their own like I have to) but I've run into an issue. I'm working on writing Sweet Caroline but I can't get it to fit into one page(Made it around the size of our pepband music which is why it's not a normal page) and I also want it to be formatted as closely as possible to the original sheet music here:

If I scale everything to fit into one page it's too small and doesn't look nice and I think the problem is that the length between notes is way too long but I can't fix it. Stretching doesn't make a notable difference at all and offsetting doesn't work either. Also, does anyone know if there's a way to break up the D.S Al Coda and Coda like it's done in the original? It looks cleaner that way but I have no clue how to do it. If anyone happens to know the font as well(can't preview fonts on musescore and I don't feel like going through them all individually lol) that would be a huge help!:)

Btw ignore the chord diagrams/tempo and everything, I'm just trying to finish writing it before I fix all of that stuff and I've pretty much just thrown them on the page so I don't have to do it later. Here's one of the other pieces I wrote so you guys can maybe get more of an idea of what I want it to look like? It's not perfect, but I think most guitar players should be able to read it? Thank you for your help and sorry for asking so many questions in one forum.

Attachment Size
Sweet_Caroline.mscz 29.2 KB
Land_of_1000_Dances.mscz 37.51 KB

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