Can't figure out how to add dynamic to specific staff

• Dec 17, 2022 - 12:48

Hello! This might be a dumb question, I've just started using Musescore today, and I've also never touched sheet music before, so excuse me if I get some terminology wrong. I'm trying to add a p dynamic to just my Treble staff, but it adds it on the Bass as well, and adding an f dynamic to the Bass makes the Treble go louder as well, it seems like the dynamics aren't limiting themselves to the specific staffs.

I've looked into it, and it seems Musescore 3 had an option for this in the Properties panel, but this seems to be nonexistant in Musescore 4. I'm guessing the option has moved somewhere. How do I get to this option? Thanks.


The option is unfortunately still lacking in MS4.
You could resort to using two "instruments" with each 1 staff instead of 1 instrument with 2 staves.

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