Notehead schemes musescore 4.0

• Dec 18, 2022 - 19:16

Hello I have a question about using notehead schemes. In musescore 3.6 I can use 2 types of notehead schemes namely :

" Solfege Movable Do" Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti (it uses Ti and not Si)
" Solfege Fixed Do" Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (it uses Si and not Ti)

In the new version of musescore 4.0 there is no " Solfege Fixed Do" Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (it uses Si and not Ti)
when I click on " Solfege Fixed Do" in muse sscore 4.0, I only get Ti and not Si any more.
In my music teaching and method I need this option very much.

Perhaps the staff of Musescore can fix this problem or If there is a another method to get my " Solfege Fixed Do" I appriciate that.

Thank you

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