Musecore 4 is just...incredible.

• Dec 21, 2022 - 14:46

I can't believe this is free. After downloading the MS4 app and the new free sound packs I wasn't sure what to expect. I took one of my brass choir arrangements (Sultana Dreaming from FFXIV) and loaded it up. The only missing instrument was Euphonium; I initially tried the Cimbasso, but ultimately went with the Bass Trombone sound for this one.

The result is astonishing. I had to do some very small dynamics tweaking, and I still have some polishing to do, but in just about an hour I managed to get this level of quality basically out of the box: (sheet music here, if interested -

Major thanks to the Musescore team and the talented musicians, producers, and engineers who made this new version possible!


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