Reload from score file plugin?

• Dec 21, 2022 - 19:59

There used to be a function in the file menu to reload the score. This was taken out for reasons that are complicated and not important here.

The plugin guide suggests one way to add functionality to MuseScore is simply to write an application that directly edits the .mscz file. I have done this. It works great, I am quite happy with it.

In order to see the changes my application makes I need to close the entire application and then open it again. Even file -> open does not work, the file is never accessed and the command is a no-op. My application makes frequent changes, it is designed to go: user changes something -> application updates score -> user plays back result. This would happen in a loop until the user is happy with the result. This means restarting the application every time is not viable.

Is there a call I can make in a plugin to reload the score from the file on disk?


> I need to close the entire application and then open it again...
> ...restarting the application every time is not viable.
Seems contradicting, is it typo?
do you need to use MS4? in MS3 plz try:

var f=curScore.path

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