Feature request: overwrite dynamic markings.

• Dec 29, 2022 - 20:26

tl;dr: add dynamic "mf" then "f", both overlap, should instead just be "f".

I cannot find a way to search the forum (I see "search for sheet music" and "search for help" but no "search forum"), so this may be a duplicate.

When I put a dynamic marking, e.g. "mf"; and want to change it to another, e.g. "f"; after pressing the button under dynamics, it shows "f" on top of "mf" rather than replacing mf. I believe it should instead overwrite the old marking as I have no idea why one would need overlapping dynamic markings.

The linked image is an example of the "f" over "mf" with "f" selected.

OS: Arch Linux, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-, revision: github-musescore-musescore-

Attachment Size
Screenshot_2022-12-29_20-24-31.png 16.71 KB


Maybe. However think of it this way. For once the software is doing exactly what you are telling it to do. No guessing. No interpretation. I find it refreshing in a way :-)
MS3 is the same way.
I know it takes an extra step to fix.
Fixing a wrong note can be similar.

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