Instruments > Staff settings > Add linked staff> Tab. 8-string common > "Small staff" option buggy

• Dec 31, 2022 - 10:22

I opened a file created in Gp7. I added a linked staff for 8-string common tablature, and then tried the Small Staff option to see what would happen. It turned the tablature into a small treble clef staff.

I tried to go back to the 8-string common tablature type, but nothing happened.

I then tried to go to a different tablature choice (7-string common etc.), and it switched to that, but at a normal size, yet the "Small Staff" option still showed as checked.

I then unchecked the "Small Staff" option, and it then reverted to the small treble clef that I never wanted in the first place. That's obviously not right.

Following that, I just added a staff without using the linked option, and it seemed to work for a bit (i.e., tablatures showing small, instead of turning into treble clef staves)...then after a couple rounds of trying to ensure I had documented it correctly, went back to the above behavior. No idea what exactly is triggering it, but something isn't right.


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