Quick brief help built into MuseScore

• Jan 1, 2023 - 18:38

I have some suggestions for quick brief help method integrated into MuseScore. And I´ll try to describe the idea in an easy way:

If I hover with my mouse i e on any Key in the Key Signature palette. It shows the appropiate key/scale (i e G major/E minor), which helps if I am new to notation (but not new to making music).
If I hover with my mouse i e on any Dynamic (i e mf) in the Dynamics palette. Unfortunately. In Dynamics it shows only the same abbreviation, mf, instead of the full name Mezzo Forte.

Yes, I am aware that I can change that via the cell properties. And I have started to copy the descriptions and explainations from wikipedia. Although, that benefits me only and not anyone else who is new to music and notation.

However, in both cases above, I am still supposed to know what each actually means. That is, which note that is sharp in the G major / E minor scale. Or that mf stands for Mezzo Forte (as well as first and foremost its actual meaning).

My suggestion:
I´d like to see the option that if I rightclick on anything. Where I today (with both abovementioned cases) get the options 'Delete' and 'Properties'. I would also see an 'Help' option. Where, if I click on it. It shows an popup window similar to what I see when clicking the 'Properties'. Where it shows an brief explaination.

So for the G major / E minor scale, it would i e show the notes including which one that is sharp.
And for mf / Mezzo Forte, it would show an brief explaination of its use. I e, similar as it is explained in wikipedia:

"Moderately loud; softer than forte. If no dynamic appears, mezzo-forte is assumed to be the prevailing dynamic level."

This method could be used on everything.
Rightclick on a C-clef on the sheet itself. Clicking the help option could show: "The center of a C clef points to the line representing middle C".

Same with any notation symbol and anything else. The thing is that it will be helpful for anyone new to notation and/or music. As well as it will not of be of distraction for those who already know both (as an hovering function would be if it were displaying info everywhere I go with the mouse on the sheet itself).


But yes, a tooltip of "Mezzo forte" for the mf dynamic is possible and feasible, in the dynamics palette.
Anything longer should not be in the program itself (way to much work for the translators), but only in the handbook

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