How do I downgrade back to MuseScore 3

• Jan 18, 2023 - 01:32

Musescore 4 playback has been unbelievably laggy, despite my PC specs including i9 processor, and 32 gb ram.

This lag renders the program unusable.

This never occurred in MuseScore 3, so I want to downgrade back to that version, but don’t know how. Any support would be greatly appreciated.


Funny that, I've underclocked mine to 900 MHz and it works fine, even with a full orchestra. Try going into edit>preferences>I/O, and setting the buffer size higher.

MU4 might pick the wrong audio driver (API) for your device,
MU3 does this sometimes, but in MU3 you can see
what driver (API) is beeing used and change that if needed.

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