losing System Break when exporting to PDF

• Jan 21, 2023 - 22:08

Pulling my hair out- have searched everywhere for an answer. Score looks good, 4 measures with the System Break, hit Publish and still looks good 4 measures. Export to PDF, system is now 5 measures

What am I missing?


In reply to by jiajialin

Export to PDF would never ever remove a system break, explicit or implicit, the whole point of MuseScore being a WYSIWYG application is that the printout and the screen look exactly the same (except for invisible elements, grey on screen, invisible on print)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The systems breaks in my score are gray. When I click on a system break, I see the Visible and Auto Place checkboxes in the Properties window. The system break remains gray for all four combinations of the checkbox states.

How can I make the system break effective during export to PDF?

Thanks for your help.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Okay, I have more information. The mscz file has four instruments; Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone, Bass. When I exported the file to pdf, I specified Main Score, Tenor 2, Baritone, and Bass. The systems in the main score pdf are as expected; the system breaks were effective. But in all of the part pdfs, the system breaks were not effective. This is a big deal because we will practice and perform using the part sheets.

I attached the score, if that helps.

Attachment Size
Stricken_v1.mscz 32.42 KB

In reply to by CallMeGeorge

You' haven't even generated the parts yet. You need to do that first - via the Parts button on the main toolbar - and then customize breaks etc there. Otherwise you just get kind a generic exported part.

If you want the same breaks in all parts - which seems likely for a simple example like this - consider the plugin for that you can download from this site - see https://musescore.org/en/project/export-layout-breaks-parts

In reply to by axelcola

For anyone else who has this happen and isn't clear on the tips given by others, the linked staff includes different instruments, but you have to actually open them in separate tabs (Parts) by clicking the Parts button, then you can add the system breaks for each part the way you want them. After doing that step, as described by others, the system breaks will now be embedded in each separate part, and then when you export a PDF it will show correctly for each part. I think the difference between the what is on the separate Parts and what shows on the staff are what was confusing to some.

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