Auto-save causes Nightly 2344 to crash
No matter at what interval of time I set it, when it's time for the auto-save feature to do it's job, it crashes MuseScore.
Also, I believe that this feature should be ON by default!!!!! In case there is a MuseScore crash, as there have been many, at least the user doesn't loose what he worked on because of it. Please set it to on by default as this will be a juge time-saver!!!
It's already on by default, I think.
Are you sure you can save your score even without autosave on? Meaning it may be your score that is corrupted and not the autosave feature. (Using a nightly for important job is not a good idea btw).
If you use the "Reset to Default" button in the preferences you will see that auto save is the default. The nightly builds do not reset your preferences every time you download a new version so you may not have noticed the change in default.
Could you include the file that is crashing MuseScore. Does it crash via File > Save?
On this laptop I only used Nightly Builds. Do they store some preference files on my laptop if I used them? I never had a proper MuseScore instalation on this laptop.And even now, as I downloaded Nightly 2348, the auto-save feature was still off by default, as in by the first time I open the app and use it. Unless I set it to on, it remains to off all along.
Is this behaviour occuring because of some left over file on my laptop?
Nightly 2348 still crashes my score if I change something in it and set the Nightly to auto-save every 1 minute.
These are the crash details
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: nightly.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4affbc0a
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Fault Module Timestamp: 49e03821
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00067580
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1048
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
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David, this happens with the score I sent you by email. Try it out too, maybe its because of the score itself?
I even tried resetting all stretch and it still occurs.
I'm not able to reproduce the crash (r. 2348 nightly, Windows XP). I think the preferences are either saved in the Windows Registry or an ini file somewhere. The easiest way to reset the preferences is to use the "Reset to Default" button I mentioned earlier.
ok, i'm trying that right now, does the Export MIDI Expand Repeats toggle have anything to do with this?
oh, i'm sorry, that was a reply for an other issue. Sorry, sorry!, just a moment while I test
nightly 2348 still crashes that score that I sent David even though I reset everything to defaultfrom preferences, and set it to auto-save in 1 minute, which was actually the ETA for the crash.......
Maybe it's because on this laptop I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32-bit?
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: nightly.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4affbc0a
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.0.6002.18005
Fault Module Timestamp: 49e03821
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00067580
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1048
Additional Information 1: fd00
Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
Additional Information 3: fd00
Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
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And even now, as I downloaded Nightly 2348, the auto-save feature was still off by default, as in by the first time I open the app and use it. Unless I set it to on, it remains to off all along.
Grust, see comment #2 and comment #4 above for an explanation.
seseberg, could you start up MuseScore and leave it open for two minutes without doing anything. This will test whether auto-save is the cause of the crash. It it doesn't crash during that period then probably some other action that is causing the crash.
ok, I just created an empty score with just a soprano row, and set musescore nightly 2348 to auto-save every 1 minute.
Of course, if I don't add anything to the score in order to have that * to appear next to the score tab x sign, musescore has nothing to save.
But as soon as I did anything to it that was a change, after 1 minute I got this:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: nightly.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4affbc0a
Fault Module Name: QtCore4.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a3f7c7e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000cc8ba
OS Version: 6.1.7100.
Locale ID: 1048
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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happens on 2351 as well
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: nightly.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4b016c7c
Fault Module Name: QtCore4.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a3f7c7e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000cc8ba
OS Version: 6.1.7100.
Locale ID: 1048
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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ok guys, I just found out that Nightly 2351 does NOT have auto-save on by default after I download it and start it (the auto-save does get checked however if I hit the reset to default button)
I did find the .ini file for MuseScore and Nightly in C:\Users\myusername\Application Data\MusE
I deleted it, and, my preferences got reset in nightly 2351, even the window size and everything, but in preferences, auto-save was NOT set to ON........
Please fix this in a future release, thanks!
And BTW, the crash STILL occurs even with me deleting the whole folder from that location and setting auto-save on every 1 minute. This happened with a score that I started as blank from MuseScore Nightly 2351, didn't save it to a file on the hard drive, but changed something in it so that the * sign would appear, and, after 1 minute, it crashed
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: nightly.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4b016c7c
Fault Module Name: QtCore4.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a3f7c7e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000cc8ba
OS Version: 6.1.7100.
Locale ID: 1048
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Same happens if the score that auto-saves has a designated file on the hard drive which MuseScore can use in order to save the changes made to the score........................... (I set it to 3 minutes this time, just to make sure it wasn't the 1 minute thing that was making it crash...)
Again, maybe it's because I am using Windows 7 RC 32-bit
There were two places in the code that the auto-save had to be set. I think auto-save should be default for both occasions in r. 2355
first fix iin rev. 2356
The crash happend when the autosave directory is not writable.
On Linux the path to this driectory is $HOME/.local/share/data/MusE/MuseScore. Why is the equivalent directory on Windows not writable?
dude, I have no idea. The directory I use for all of my Nightly tests is the desktop....
I have no diacritics in the folder filepath to the desktop, and, wether or not the score name contains diacritics, the crash still occur.
If I manually save the score by hitting ctrl-s, it saves just fine. The auto-save is the only one that crashes the thing.........
Dunno why...
seseberg, it would be helpful if you could do the following for us:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\MusE\
(or equivalent for your computer)MuseScoreNightly
folder and choose "Properties"there's only a MuseScoreNightly .ini file in there, no folder
It looks like you left out the
Local Settings
folder.I have no MusE folder there.....
Ok, next change: the offending directory is now created if it does not exist (rev. 2357)
is it just me or does 2356 auto-save feature refuse to auto-save anything, whether it has a designated file already on the hard drive or not?
the * that notifies me of change ain't going away after the set auto-save time......
seseberg, auto save does not overwrite the file your are working on anymore it always saves to a different file. The old method could cause unexpected data loss in certain situations (see ).
Long story short the asterisk (*) indicates if you manually saved. This is the intended behavior.
seseberg, has auto-save stopped crashing for you in the latest nightly builds?
in Nightly 2370 it appears as if it doesn't auto-save anymore at all for some reason....
the * next to the score file tab name doesn't dissapear anymore after the designated auto-save minutes from the preferences menu, it just sits there for ever. This is very weird. I think I remember Werner saying that MuseScore now saves stuff somewhere else or something? but then again, I don't understand why the * sign doesn't go away, and, why it is that MuseScore still asks me to save changes when I quit the score even after the 1 minute that I have set for auto-save has passed, without me doing any further changes to the score.
Because it's no more an "auto save" feature per se. Meaning it does not save the file you are working on, but a copy of it.
As you can read, in the whole issue, the (*) is now there to mean "you didn't save this file manually".
Every X minute, musescore save a copy of your file in a temp dir. If MuseScore crashes, when you run it again, it will look for the file it saved but you didn't.
ok, I get it, what would that temp folder be then? does it save more files at once, like auto-save files, a file for each auto-save, like Steinberg Cubase has. That would be cool to get implemented.
The old autosave code had several problems:
- you could not abort a session with the option "do not save current changes" because autosave had already overwritten your original score
- changes to a "read only" score could not be autosaved because there is no file you could save into.
- same for new created scores; changes could not be saved because there is no file.
The new code saves the whole session transparent in the background and gets active, if mscore or the computer crashes for some reason.
@seseberg I don't know cubase. But what you describe looks like a revision control system. If you need this, you could try Dropbox.
I am amazed that you do not know about Steinberg Cubase (and all of the products they have).
What I was reffering to was a complex undo feature based on the fact that at every auto-save, the notation software creates a new file, so that changes before the auto-save are still accessible by the user because of being saved in the same temporary folder.
seseberg, the temporary directory is the one mentioned in comment #16 above. For information on revision control software that can be used with MuseScore or any other type of document, see
cool, thanks for letting me know where the temp directory is.
I guess that the revision control software will be implemented later in this project.
We all know MuseScore has to measure-up to Sibelius if it wants to get anywhere, bu I think it is doing great progress so far considering that it is an open-source freeware project!!!
thanks guys for all your hard work!!!
Looks like the crash is now fixed
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
And comments in Russian here can be left?
The auto-save feature was still off by default
asilas89, auto-save is on by default if you are using the latest version of MuseScore (currently version From the main menu in MuseScore go to Help > About to find out what version you have. If you need more help please ask in the forums instead of the issue tracker (which is for documented bugs in the latest versions of MuseScore).