Still unable to install Muse Hub or Musescore 4.0.1

• Feb 13, 2023 - 10:27

Due to surgery last month, I was unable to keep up with any responses to my original query (when I first downloaded MuseScore 4.0 in January). Now that I'm back in the game, it is now February 13th, and I have downloaded MuseScore 4.0.1.

So far, I have been overall very pleased with 4.x, but I am still plagued with trying to download Muse Hub. Originally, I had to download MuseScore 4.0 without Muse Hub. I once again tried downloading Muse Hub with 4.0.1, which downloaded (for a 9th and 10th time) from But I still get error messages that say "unable to install..." I have attached a couple of screenshots to show the procedures I used, and what error messages I get when trying to install. I tried to explain my dilemmas via the filenames of the screenshots.

I am running Windows 11.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me. And if you have any questions for me, I will try to answer more quickly than a week or two later!



Did you check the website the error message points you to? If that doesn't help, please ask on the official support site for Muse Hub, which is

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