Exporting Audio

• Feb 19, 2023 - 07:31

Unfortunately for Musescore 4, exporting audio is a major fail. The issues are pretty obvious to anyone who's used modern software...

1 It only renders in real-time, not offline faster than realtime like every other modern workstation. Who in their right mind would want to wait 32 x 3 minutes (96 minutes) to render 32 individual audio tracks of a 3 minute score? Respectfully, that's nuts.

  1. I may be missing something, but there is no way to cancel an audio render that I can see. No cancel button on the dialog which is a pretty big design flaw, When I realized how long it would take to render the tracks, I wanted to cancel and could not. I had to force quit to stop it.

Rendering multiple audio part should happen faster than realtime and in parallel, all at once, not in series.


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