Text Format

• Feb 20, 2023 - 01:56

I am working on a Technique Workbook for my students. I find it very cumbersome to try to format blocks of text within musescore. You have to attach a text box to a measure. but if I want to create a new text box, between two text boxes, I have to create a new one attached to the first measure, copy the previous text and paste it to the new box, then delete the box I copied, just so I can add new text.

Also, that there is no indenting or formatting options within a text box itself is frustrating. I even tried writing it in a different document and pasting it into musescore, but it doesn't even recognize that formatting. such as paragraphs, indentation, bullet points... I realize that the musescore crew is focused on their music notation. but it would go a long way to add in some simple text tools.

Also, a way to reorder pages without copying and pasting as this does not copy/paste many features that you may have attached to measures. I am getting around this by just not showing page numbers or measure numbers for my workbooks. but if I created the pages first, and then decided that I needed to add a new page between particular passages... this is very frustrating.


Hello! I'm not really following what you mean about creating multiple text boxes. First, so you mean frames? If so, when you need to create and copy new ones rather than simply edit the text? If you attach your actual score and explain what you r are trying to do in more detail, we can understand and assist better.

You can also easily insert pages, just insert the measures and/or frames and add a page break. So here again, if you're having a problem of some kind, attach the actual score and clear describe of what exactly what you are trying to do, and we can help!

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