How do you put a bracket outside to the left spanning the grand staff?

• Mar 2, 2023 - 00:12


Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but this is my understanding:
1. The original designers of MuseScore followed the notation recommendations in Elaine Gould's excellent book "Behind Bars".
2. In the section Score Layout on page 516 of "Behind Bars" Gould states:
"A brace should only ever be used as the outermost bracket (see example, p. 518)."
3. This is the illustration on p. 518:

So MuseScore simply doesn't allow you to place a bracket or square bracket outside the brace which spans the grand staff.

In reply to by DanielR

"How do you put a bracket outside to the left spanning the grand staff?"
... and if I misunderstood the original question and you just want a brace for the grand staff, the answer is:
1. Ideally you choose an instrument which by definition already has the curly brace across the grand staff (Piano, Celeste, Organ, Harp).
2. If you choose for some reason to join two separate staves as if they were a grand staff, then:
- select the same measure in both staves (you'll see a blue selection rectangle)
- in Palettes, choose Brackets then click the Brace

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