Those strong with the Linux, help me consider this...

• Mar 8, 2023 - 15:17

My daily-driver system uses Ubuntu 20.04 with different desktops, each under a different user. Historically, 'bruce' and 'fred' were both Gnome/MATE. And MS 'Documents' began under 'fred'. To help a good friend with his KDE/Plasma system, I chose 'fred' to be changed to a KDE/Plasma desktop. Over time, the 'fred' environment & MS have started to be painfully problematic, with certain operations such as opening the Format->Styles and Format-Page settings windows, which in MS3.x can take about 1 2/3 MINUTES. (MS4 is essentially out of the picture until later this year.)

I have to get the MS 'Documents' OUT OF a KDE/Plasma desktop.

I configured 'chad' and 'jack' with Budgie and XFCE4 desktop, respectively, for testing. I find MS3.x runs fine while in the 'jack' & XFCE4 environment. So, I'm doing the planning & preparation to move all MS 'Documents' to 'jack'.

This would be my first system to use the 'group' aspect of Linux's OWNER/GROUP/OTHER structure. In an effort to ease edits, copies and etc. between users, here's what I have so-far.

Thoughts? Much appreciated your looking at this.

Attachment Size
system_before.png 107.17 KB
system_after.png 130.16 KB


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