lagging e rallenta durante il playback

• Mar 9, 2023 - 10:26

perde il controllo del mouse per alcuni istanti poi ritorna, durante il playback rallenta e non fornisce tutti i battiti del metronomo ma nelle pause non batte ...
la versione installata è la seguente: VER., sistema op. WIN 11, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U, RAM 8Gb


Translation for English-speaking users:
Lagging and slowing down during playback
loses control of the mouse for a few moments then returns, during playback it slows down and does not provide all the beats of the metronome but in the pauses it does not beat ...
the installed version is the following: VER., WIN 11 operating system, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U, RAM 8Gb

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