Two Questions

• Mar 15, 2023 - 20:24

I've been using Spitfire's BBC Orchestra.

  1. Is there a way to create a blank instrument to then map to, or do I just create one at random and then change it?

  2. Am I right in thinking the articulations don't work?


I'm not sure what you mean by "blank instrument" - blank in what sense? Certainly when you add an instrument to your score, it contains no notes to start with and is blank in that sense. Nothing random about it. Just choose the correct instrument (so the transposition, range, and score order is correct) then assign the desired sound.

Most VST's use keyswitches to control articulations. it's a clumsy syste, but you can add the necessary keyswitches on a separate staff within the same instrument, then hide the staff when you're done. Or just use Muse Sounds, which generally are better and work right out of the box.

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