Multimeasure Rests

• Apr 16, 2023 - 15:27

So I'm a bit new to musescore, but Ive been trying to find a way to prevent this strange thing from happening, and the automated Multi-Measure rest thing doesn't seem to prevent this. Would it be at all possible to make it so that you can highlight all the measures you want to include in the multi-measure rest, right click, and select an option to include it in the Multi-measure rest? Just a small gripe I have.

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Screenshot 2023-04-16 102516.png 1.86 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You can break a multimeasure rest at any measure by checking the box "Break multimeasure rest" in the measure properties dialogue which is accessed by right clicking in the measure. However, there is usually no need as mutimeasure rests are broken automatically by Musescore at musically significant points e.g. changes of tempo, time signature and key signature, rehearsal marks, double bars etc. You can also customise the minimum number of rests to include in a multimeasure rest from the Format>Style>Score dialogue (default is 2).

See for more details.

If you're saying, the apparently-empty measures are not being included in the multimeasure rest and you need help understanding why, we'd love to assist, so please attach the actual score instead of just a picture so we can investigate. Could be some invisible element, could be a setting in measure properties, etc - all sorts of things that don't show in pictures.

If you're saying, the apparently-empty measures are not being included in the multimeasure rest and you need help understanding why, we'd love to assist, so please attach the actual score instead of just a picture so we can investigate. Could be some invisible element, could be a setting in measure properties, etc - all sorts of things that don't show in pictures.

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