Uninstalling from MuseHub

• May 20, 2023 - 18:54


I need to uninstall all the new MuseSounds from Musehub due to my teacher marking my coursework without the sounds installed so i want to re-adjust dynamics accordingly. However, everytime i go on Musehub and uninstall (hold alt key and click delete button) it gives me an error message.

Would love to find a fix quickly or even suggestions on how to deactivate or change to the default sounds temporarily (maybe through the mixer?) anything would help.


Attachment Size
Screenshot 2023-05-20 185337.png 143.08 KB


Not sure I understand. You sent the teacher a MU4 file and they can't listen to it? How are they trying to listen to your work? Deleting sounds won't help. What version of MuseScore do they have?

In reply to by bobjp

So sorry if i didnt explain properly. The teacher can listen to it as hes on the same musescore version, i just mean he does not have new better sounding muse sounds install but i do meaning things like timpani rolls sound awful for him and a forte for me may be louder or quiter for him. So i just want to uninstall.

Esentially forget the actual reason for me needing to uninstall, bascially i just want to uninstall museSounds but get the message

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