Convert Musescore 4 files to Musecore 3

• Jun 1, 2023 - 06:33

I am a long time user of Musescore and I love it. I have made hundreds of scores and I use it daily.
I also love new features BUT Musescore 4 is slow and laggy on my laptop and I need to go back to Musescore 3 but now all the files I opened in Musescore 4 and saved are not compatible with Musescore 3! How can I get around this???


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

EDIT: You should mention that you need to click "Ignore" in the dialog that opens saying that the file was created with a newer version of MuseScore. Then it works! Thanks so much for this as this problem (not being able to open the v4 files) has been a royal pain ever since v4 was released.

[ Before I wrote: I downloaded and installed the latest versin of Mu3.7 from your GitHub in order to be able to open Mu4 files, but it does not open those files. It shows the same dialog telling me the file was created with a newer version of MuseScore and I need to update. I tried with many different files saved from Mu4. None of them open. Any idea why? ]

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