No playback with MS4

• Jul 16, 2023 - 13:54

I installed MS4 on my linux machine (Kubuntu = Ubuntu 23.04 + KDE Plasma).
(Sorry for my english, I'm french.)
I have a permanent problem: MS4 seems to conflict with any other software that produces sound.
Description: I launch MS4, I play a score, everything is OK. I stop the score. I try to listen to music on Rhythmbox, VLC, or other: impossible. I have to close MS4, and restart Rhythmbox (or whatever), and restart MS4 for it to work.
The opposite is true: if I start by listening on Rhythmbox (or other), impossible to play a score in MS4, I have to stop Rhythmbox, and restart MS4.
Looks like MS4 refuses to share the sound card with another program.
But I don't know how to fix this.
Has anyone had the same problem? (Never had this problem with MS3.)
I launched MS4 on command line, if it can help, here are 3 files which contain all that MS4 wrote:
* rapportBug-1.txt : when MS4 started.
* rapportBug-2.txt : when I tried to play a score.
* rapportBug-3.txt : when I stopped MS4.

Last precision : I have this problem since the beginning of MS, 6 months ago.
Not having found a solution, I dropped MS4, and I continued to use MS3. I ended up telling myself that by tweaking my machine, I had done things that were incompatible with MS4.
But yesterday I reinstalled everything, from scratch, and without leftovers from the previous install.
Well, it's always the same: impossible to play a score if another app is producing sound. And impossible for other apps to produce sound if MS4 is playing a score. :-( :-( :-(
Am I really the only one this is happening to? It's probably nice to be "exceptional", but this is giving me away!! ;-)
Thank you.

Attachment Size
rapportBug-1.txt 5.99 KB
rapportBug-2.txt 327 bytes
rapportBug-3.txt 25.9 KB


Hopefully, someone who knows Linux will chime in and can help. I'm only answering to say that in Windows there is a setting that allows audio devices to take exclusive control. This setting needs to be turned off for each device. I don't know if there is something similar in Linux. Good luck

In reply to by bobjp

I answer to myself...


I killed almost every app on my computer.
I run MS4 on a pre-existing score, it plays it with no problem.
I then run VLC on a fairly basic MP3. VLC refuses to produce sound (as usual), BUT VLC displays this message in the command line:
[000055a7b227d400] pulse audio output error: overflow, flushing
I look on the web for what it is. Nothing for me.
But I see that there is a "pulseaudio" command which is not installed on my machine. I install it and I run it.
And it works, everything can play at the same time, including MS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I will have to understand the difference between this command and the pulseaudio which was already installed (necessarily installed, since "pulse audio output error").
And I will have to understand how to launch it automatically (that's not complicated).

I replace a riddle with another riddle, but in any case it works.

Thank you for your help.

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