Eastwest Opus exporting

• Aug 5, 2023 - 13:58

Hello everybody,
So, I have lots of Eastwest's sounds that can usually play just fine inside Musescore itself. But when I export them on an audio file, some notes are played only half of their length...and some are not. It's inconsistent, so I'm not quite sure what the matter is. I tried changing the buffer settings on both Opus and Musescore, but that didn't really do anything. Any help?


In reply to by mjszczep

What actually worked for me was instead of exporting theme, screen record the song that allows audio playback. It works just fine, (and you don't get any of the distortion that you sometimes might get when exporting.) I never got this far, but then you should probably be able to convert the mp4 screen recording to an mp3.

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