The "To Coda" instruction in pallet
A lot of my jazz player friends ask me why I haven't put the coda graphic (circle with cross-hairs) in the middle of the instruction "To Coda" - i.e. To "graphic" Coda. It makes it obvious and helps greatly when sight-reading and for most of the guys it is the de facto way of presenting the instruction.
I can do this the very long-winded and time-consuming way by editing the To Coda instruction and inserting a special character, then increasing the size of that character, so is there a way of adding my edited version to the standard pallet, or making a shortcut?
Edit it and then [Ctrl][Shift] drag to a palette.
In reply to Edit it and then [Ctrl]… by underquark
Thanks, but I can't get that to work (Ctrl/Shift & Drag) in MuseScore 4
Thanks for the .mpal file - I've just figured out how to use it - I see that you have been able to create and drag the To "Symbol" Coda ok, so no idea why I couldn't
Thanks again
It should exist by default, under More
Today (18-Feb-2025) after revisiting this problem, I found that if I undocked the palette in MuseScore Studio Version: 4.4.4 and placed it over the score I was working on, I could then drop my custom wording + symbol into the palette.
I should add that I had to press Ctrl+Shift BEFORE attempting to drag the custom text.
However, the "To" did not retain the MuseJazz formatting whereas the Symbol and word "Coda" did retain it.
In reply to Today (18-Feb-2025) after… by FunkOSax
Using @underquark's .mpal file?
In reply to Today (18-Feb-2025) after… by FunkOSax
On the "To CodaSymbol" from the standard Repeats & Jumps palettes' More, the "To" does change to MuseJazz
On a custom "To CodaSymbol Coda" the trailing "Coda" stays in the font it got created with though, be it Edwin or MuseJazz, while the leading "To" does change along with the text style setting.
So I can't reproduce what your image shows