Why do the Muse Sounds Suck so much compared to EVERY other sf2 ??

• Aug 27, 2023 - 02:33

Like crescendos, dim, F, P, etc. Whatever it may be, if it's on MS Sounds, it just plain sucks. Like Why do they give the option of having a fkn velocity change, if you can't even use it for MS sounds? like the "grand piano" for example. If I wanted to use my own sounds, which 95% of the time I do anyway, it just doesn't let me change how loud or soft each dynamic is. like if I want it "F" then I'll do so, but if I want something a bit louder (the default velocity is UPPOSED to be 60 fore) then I would change it to f*n 74 or 84 or whatever. With MS sounds I can't do that and what it does is it will go from one dynamic to the next. For example, "MF" to "F" then it will go from I think 79 or something to 96 and you can't change anything in between like literally every other sound font.

And I SHOULDNT have to always either add cresc or dim just to get the velocity for MS sounds to change, and I shouldn't have to add dynamics in between crescendos just to get to what I want (i.e. P to MP to MF to F rather then P, set the note velocities to 40, 50, 60, 70, and let's say I want F to be 108 and not 96).

So either I need a workaround, or yall need to seriously reconsider the next time you throw out such terrible sound fonts.

Down below I have an example: the first part is one of my sf2s, and the bottom part is the MS sounds. Both are the same thing, but different sound fonts.

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dgasdggsdfh.mscz 25.95 KB


I suppose your analogy would be true if MuseSounds where an sf2. And, as yet you can't change velocity.

But, like most other notation software that I know of, you need to put dynamics after a hairpin. Just like you would for real musicians. And yes, real musicians would need instructions as to when to change volume. Which is the point of notation software. To produce scores for real players.
MU4 is not a DAW. Although one is promised someday.
So yes, the software does not do what you want. That doesn't make it terrible. It just doesn't do what you want. It doesn't always do what I want either. So what.

All that being said, I use MU4 for playback. It is a challenge. But not impossible.

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