Moving measures to a previous page

• Sep 14, 2023 - 14:48

I would like to know how to move measures from page two back to page one, if there is room on the first page for the measures. Is this possible? If so, can anyone help me learn how to do this?

Attachment Size
Waving Good-bye Key G.mscz 35.96 KB


I solved my own problem by going into settings and changing the top and bottom margins.
If there is another way to do this, I would like to know.

Apparently there is not enough space on the first page after all ...
There are several settings that affect the spacing between the staves and the page layout.
You have used a spacer between measure 1 and measure 7. Drag it up a little bit.
You can change several settings in Format / Style / Page, try 'Enable vertical justification' and/or change some of the settings.
You can change the scaling in Format / Page Settings and/or the margin values.

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