How to get a split stave on MUSE SCORE 4

• Sep 16, 2023 - 15:54

Ive recently upgraded from MUSE SCORE 3 and I cant find a way of splitting the stave to add more instruments. What do I do? The usual method of a right click in the bar doesnt work as the instructions dont say anything about splitting the stave.


It is not clear what you mean by "splitting the stave". Do you want to add a stave to an existing instrument (e.g. to get a double stave as normally used for piano scores) or do you want to add further instruments.

Whichever, start by reading this part of the manual and in particular this bit See…

If you are still having problems come back and tell us what you are trying to do, what you are doing to achieve that and at what stage it goes wrong.

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