Musescore 4 - False saves.

• Oct 10, 2023 - 21:05

I worked on a score for pretty much most of the day, and this score had also had previous edits. This score had never had any other issues with saving. It crashed a couple times while I was working on it, and when I finally decided it was done, I hit save twice to make sure it would save. I use save to cloud, but I have heard of issues with save to cloud. And no, the hidden backups folder does not recover this either. Is there anyway to get my score back? I worked so hard on this arrangement. One of the pictures attached shows the fact that most of the score was blank. Yesterday it was completely filled.

Attachment Size
s1.PNG 12.96 KB
s2.PNG 60.79 KB


What does you "hit save twice" mean? After once, the save location should have opened. Where was that? I have seen multiple hidden save folders. For example, I sometimes download musescore files from users to test them. If I work on them and then save them just to where I loaded them from, there will be a backup folder in Downloads. Just a thought would be to look for other backup folders.

Also I think I would look into why your score was crashing.

In reply to by bobjp

I hit the save button under file before hitting the X which it then again asked me to save because I made a slight difference in the sheet music. When I hit save, it usually updates the cloud too which is online but private. The score in every location I found it says it hasn't been edited since 9/24/2023 which is when I created the file and when opened, it looks the exact same way it did when I had first started writing the score. I also have no idea how to look for other backup folders that wouldn't show up in my documents when I search "backup" because that's where my musescore is located. If this comes down to rewriting that's fine with me just very frustrating that I spent all that time just to have to redo it again.

My score was most likely crashing because I am on a cheap laptop.

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I run MU4 on a few different systems. Ranging from nice all the way down to an old Surface Go. That one is below specs on CPU. I can say they ever crash.

Whenever I finish a session, I do a "save as" with a different version number after the title. To me, this is safer that a "save". Easy enough to delete the early versions when I'm done. Years ago, I learned the hard way about just using "save" for my music.

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