Soundfont sounds messed up in MuseScore

• Oct 21, 2023 - 04:06

I've been working on a Percussion Soundfont, and recently after adding an instrument to it the sounds are all broken in MuseScore, though they work just fine in other programs like TuxGuitar.

Attachment Size
DrumTrack.mid 2.52 KB 2.42 MB


I can't get your track to work with the default font, either.
I believe you might need to enter notes using the drum palette (a real pain in my opinion) in order to get your font to work.

In reply to by Gaming Gardevoir

AFAIK, the notes must be entered via the drum palette for MuseScore playback to begin to understand. You might need to edit the palette, also. It doesn't work the way every other instrument works. You can open a piano score and assign an addon piano font. Playback will work. Drum set parts in MuseScore are totally different.

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